To validate the effectiveness of the proposed Computer Vision solution, comprehensive marketing research and stakeholder interviews were conducted. The marketing research involved analyzing competitors who have integrated similar technologies, and examining their approaches, successes, and challenges. This provided valuable insights into industry trends and customer expectations. Additionally, interviews with key stakeholders, including retail managers, sales associates, and security guards, helped identify specific pain points and requirements related to staff coverage and security.
Research into competitors has revealed that while there are existing solutions leveraging computer vision, few are tailored specifically for the luxury retail sector. This niche market requires specialised operations and presents a significant opportunity for innovation and differentiation.
Idea validation
To validate the idea, we spoke with store managers to understand their challenges with customer loss. Our questions were crafted to be neutral and avoid steering towards specific solutions.
1. How many customers typically enter your store each day?
2. What is the average spending per customer?
3. Can you estimate the number of customers you lose due to a lack of attention, perhaps because you were occupied with other tasks? (e.g., customers per day/month)
4. What factors contribute to losing these customers?
5. Considering the number of customers lost, how much would you be willing to pay monthly for a solution that addresses this issue?